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The Case for Expanding Pet Ownership in the UK: Which Animals Should Be Allowed?

The UK's regulations on pet ownership are designed to protect both the animals and the public. However, there is a growing debate about whether some currently restricted animals could be responsibly kept as pets under certain conditions. In this blog, we’ll explore several animals that are currently not allowed to be kept as pets in the UK but could be considered for legal ownership with appropriate guidelines and regulations.

1. Hedgehogs: The Prickly Companions

Current Status: While African pygmy hedgehogs can be kept as pets in the UK, native European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept without a license. This is to ensure their conservation and prevent their removal from the wild.

The Case for Change: Advocates argue that with proper care and breeding programs, keeping European hedgehogs as pets could actually aid conservation efforts. By regulating their breeding and ensuring they are not taken from the wild, a controlled pet population could help maintain genetic diversity and educate the public about these fascinating creatures.


  • Strict breeding and licensing requirements
  • Education on proper care and habitat needs
  • Regular health checks to prevent the spread of diseases

2. Sugar Gliders: The Pocket-Sized Marsupials

Current Status: Sugar gliders are currently not allowed as pets in the UK due to concerns about their welfare in captivity and the difficulty of meeting their complex dietary and social needs.

The Case for Change: With advancements in understanding their care requirements, some believe that responsible ownership of sugar gliders could be feasible. Experienced exotic pet owners could provide the necessary environment, diet, and social interaction to keep these animals healthy and happy.


  • Certification programs for prospective owners
  • Regular veterinary check-ups
  • Strict guidelines on enclosure size and enrichment

3. Ferrets: The Playful Predators

Current Status: Ferrets are legal to own in the UK, but restrictions apply to their breeding and sale. They are often seen as pests, and there are regulations to prevent their escape and impact on local wildlife.

The Case for Change: Ferrets are intelligent and social animals that, with proper care and handling, make engaging pets. By relaxing breeding restrictions and focusing on responsible ownership, ferret populations could be controlled while allowing more people to enjoy their companionship.


  • Mandatory microchipping and spaying/neutering
  • Education on handling and socialization
  • Restrictions on release into the wild

4. Small Monkeys: The Intelligent Companions

Current Status: Keeping primates as pets is currently prohibited in the UK due to the complex needs and potential welfare issues associated with these intelligent animals.

The Case for Change: Some argue that under very strict regulations and with extensive care guidelines, small monkeys such as marmosets could be kept as pets by experienced and knowledgeable owners. These animals require significant social interaction and mental stimulation, which dedicated owners could provide.


  • Extensive licensing and regular welfare inspections
  • Training programs for prospective owners
  • Large, enriched enclosures mimicking natural habitats

5. Exotic Birds: The Colorful Avians

Current Status: While many exotic birds are legal to own in the UK, certain species, particularly those that are endangered or have specific habitat needs, are restricted.

The Case for Change: With the right care and habitat conditions, some restricted species could be allowed as pets. This includes ensuring they are not taken from the wild and are bred in captivity under controlled conditions.


  • Licensing and regular inspections
  • Banning wild-caught individuals
  • Education on diet, social needs, and mental stimulation

Conclusion: Balancing Welfare and Ownership

Expanding the list of animals that can be legally kept as pets in the UK is a complex issue that requires balancing animal welfare with the desire for diverse and interesting companions. Any changes to current regulations should be approached with caution, ensuring that the welfare of the animals is the top priority.

By implementing strict guidelines, mandatory education, and regular inspections, it is possible that some currently restricted animals could be responsibly kept as pets, providing both companionship for owners and potential conservation benefits. The key is to ensure that any changes are made with the utmost consideration for the animals’ needs and well-being.

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